
Permanent staff

Dr. rer. nat. W.D. (Daniel) Kissling

Head of BIOMAC lab & Associate Professor of Quantitative Biodiversity

Macroecology, ecoinformatics, biodiversity monitoring, global change

Phone: +31 (0)20 525 8423


Dr. A.C. (Harry) Seijmonsbergen

Assistant Professor

Geomorphology, geodiversity, remote sensing, natural hazards, LiDAR

Phone: +31 (0)20 5258137


Dr. K.F. (Kenneth) Rijsdijk

Assistant Professor

Island biogeography, geodiversity, geology

Phone: +31 (0)20 5258288

Further information


Dr. Y. (Yifang) Shi

Assistant Professor

Remote sensing, LiDAR, multi-source data fusion, ecosystem structure mapping



Dr. J.C. (Julian) Evans

Data scientist for ARISE

Networks, behaviour, information, disease


Dr. B.A.S. (Bruno) Marcos

Postdoc Landscape Ecology for Digital Twins (LTER-LIFE project)

Remote sensing, ecosystem disturbance and resilience, time series analysis, data science, ecoinformatics

Further information


Dr. J. (Jinhu) Wang

Postdoc LiDAR remote sensing for EU habitat condition mapping (MAMBO project)

LiDAR, laser scanning, object detection and recognition, HD mapping

Further information


Dr. C. (Cynthia) Barile

Postdoc acoustic biodiversity monitoring (TABMON project)

Bioacoustics, biodiversity monitoring, statistical modelling, conservation, science communication


Dr. P. (Parinaz) Rashidi

Postdoc Biodiversity Data Science (LTER-LIFE project)

Data science in biodiversity conservation, biodiversity monitoring, spatial and statistical analysis, remote sensing


Support staff

R. (Rotem) Zilber

Assistant Project Leader & Biodiversity Monitoring Sites Manager for ARISE

Biodiversity, monitoring, ecology, island biogeography

Further information


Former lab members

  • Dr. M. (Maria) Lumbierres (Postdoc EuropaBON, 2022-2024). Research interests in conservation biology, global change, remote sensing, and spatial analysis.

  • Dr. M.P. (Chiel) Boom (Postdoc Arctic Climate Change, 2022-2024). Research interests in migration ecology, Arctic ecology, conservation, and spatial analysis.

  • L.C. (Lindy) Schneider (Biodiversity Monitoring Technician, 2022-2024). Interests in biodiversity, ecology, conservation, monitoring, and fieldwork.

  • L. (Lucas) Ferreira do Nascimento (visiting PhD student from Guimarães Lab, 2022-2023). Research interests in plant-animal interactions, urban ecology, and animal coloration.

  • E. (Eduardo) Delgado Britez Rigacci (visiting PhD student from Wesley Rodrigues Silva Lab, 2023). Research interests in plant-frugivore interactions, climate change, and ecological restoration.

  • Dr. I.R. (Ian) McFadden (Postdoc Swiss NSF Mobility Grant, 2022-2023). Research interests in global ecology, community ecology, functional biogeography, species interactions and seed dispersal.

  • Dr. ir. J. (Joris) Timmermans (scientific developer LifeWatch-ERIC Virtual Laboratory Innovation Center, 2020-2023). Research interests in remote sensing, geodata-science, ecology and hydrology.

  • F. (Flavia) Aschi (MSc student 2020-2022). Research interests in macroecology, climate change and human impacts on biodiversity.

  • Pauline Lange (MSc student, 2021). Research interests in wildlife ecology and conservation.

  • A.E. (Ashleigh) Campbell (MSc student, 2021). Research interests in conservation biology, macroecology, GIS & remote sensing, and sustainability.

  • Z.V. (Zsófia) Koma (PhD student, 2018-2021). Research interests in LiDAR, GIS, and remote sensing.

  • T.P. (Tim) Lenters (MSc student, 2019-2021). Research interests in data science, ecological informatics, and macroecology.

  • I.K. (Iris) de Wolf (MSc student, 2020-2021). Research interests in tropical ecology, distribution modelling, paleoecology, and human interaction.

  • R.J.M. (Remco) Dudink (MSc student, 2020-2021). Research interests in macroecology, biotic interactions, and climate change.

  • D.M. (Dobrochna) Delsen (MSc student, 2019-2021). Research interests in rewilding, conservation biology, animal behaviour, terrestrial ecology and palaeoecology.

  • M.P.C. (Marijn) Tromp (MSc student, 2020-2021). Research interests in environmental management, climate modelling, and extreme weather conditions.

  • L. (Laura) Butula (MSc student, 2020-2021). Research interests in biodiversity, sustainability, conservation, science in policy, and citizen science.

  • A.K. (Amélie) Tatin (MSc student, 2020-2021). Research interests in biodiversity conservation, animal behaviour, GIS, climate change, and human threats.

  • E.S. (Eline) Rentier (MSc student, 2020-2021). Research interests in geo-ecological dynamics, spatial data analysis, geodiversity, GIS and remote sensing.

  • L.L. (Linde) Berbers (MSc student, 2020-2021). Research interests in biogeography, landscape ecology, physical geography, and sustainability.

  • E.M.N. (Emma) Polman (MSc student, 2020-2021). Research interests in GIS & remote sensing, abiotic-biotic interactions, spatial data analysis, and bio-geochemical cycles.

  • Dr. J.R. (James) Allan (Postdoc, 2019-2021). Research interests in biodiversity conservation, macroecology, decision science, conservation policy, and conservation planning.

  • J. (Joeri) Morpurgo (MSc student, 2020). Research interests in deforestation and human impacts on biodiversity.

  • L. (Larissa) Nowak (external PhD student, based at Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre, Germany, 2018-2021). Research interests in functional diversity, mutualistic networks and climate change.

  • S.-L. (Samantha) Jamison (external PhD student, based at University of Pretoria, South Africa, 2018-2021). Research interests in bush encroachment, frugivory and succession.

  • C.M. (Caroline) Dracxler (Postdoc, 2019-2020). Research interests in Neotropical palms, species interactions, seed dispersal, and trait variation of tropical plants.

  • K. (Klaas) Land (MSc student, 2020). Research interests in tropical ecology, morphology, evolution, and ecosystem dynamics.

  • J.P.R. (Reinier) de Vries (MSc student, 2019-2020). Research interests in environmental and ecosystem dynamics.

  • A. (Amalia) Llano Bojanini (MSc student, 2019-2020). Research interests in systems ecology, tropical ecology and biodiversity loss.

  • L. (Luca) Rieger (MSc student 2019-2020). Research interests in biodiversity, ecology, morphology and genetics.

  • Q.D. (Quinten) Mudde (MSc student 2019-2020). Research interests in macroecology, population dynamics, herpetology, and distribution modelling.

  • J. (Jorin) Veen (MSc student 2019). Research interests in macroecology, plant-frugivore interactions and primatology.

  • M.J.S. (Sebastiaan) Haverhoek (MSc student 2019). Research interests in plant ecology and functional traits.

  • R. (Rick) de Regt (MSc student 2019). Research interests in paleoecology, conservation and species distribution modelling.

  • Dr. J.Y. (Jun) Lim (Postdoc 2018-2019). Research interests in macroevolution, macroecology, community ecology, biogeography, phylogenetics, and tropical plants.

  • P.J. (Pablo) Varas Enríquez (MSc student 2018-2019). Research interests in macrecology, evolutionary demography, human behavioral ecology and evolutionary anthropology.

  • Dr. B. (Babak) Naimi (Postdoc 2018-2019). Research interests in remote sensing, spatio-temporal statistics, spatial modelling, geo-informatics and environmental science.

  • L. (Leila) Meyer (visiting PhD student from Universidade Federal de Goiás, Brazil). Research interests in diversity patterns, plant ecology and macroecology.

  • J. (Jim) Groot (MSc student 2017-2018). Research interests in remote sensing, GIS, LiDAR, and modelling.

  • Dr. R.E. (Renske) Onstein (Postdoc 2016-2018). Research interests in macroevolution, functional traits, comparative biology, phylogenetics, angiosperms and evolutionary radiations.

  • T. (Tristan) Bakx (MSc student 2017-2018). Research interests in bird ecology, behaviour and LiDAR.

  • I.M.A. (Irene) Bender (PhD student 2013-2018). Research interests in tropical ecology, functional diversity, ecological networks.

  • J.H. (Julia) Heinen (MSc student, 2016-2017). Research interest in islands, macroecology, species interactions, extinction and conservation.

  • D.N. (Daphne) Vink (MSc student 2016-2017). Research interest in primates, functional traits, evolution, conservation, species interactions.

  • Gabriel Muñoz (MSc student 2016-2017). Research interest in biogeography, conservation and computational ecology.

  • A.J. (Aurisel) Mata Velasquez (MSc student 2017). Research interest in Earth observation, GIS, remote sensing, environmental management and geo-ecology.