Below is an overview of published datasets which were produced in our research projects.
Camera trapping datasets
Datasets from three camera trapping pilots in the Amsterdam Water Supply Dunes of the Netherlands
Data paper describing the pilot data:
The datasets available from the Zenodo repository:
The datasets available on GBIF:
Pilot 1:
Pilot 2:
Pilot 3:
LiDAR data
Country-wide LiDAR metrics at 10 m resolution capturing ecosystem structure across the Netherlands from the third Dutch airborne laser scanning survey (AHN3). Data paper: here.
Multi-temporal high-resolution data products (AHN1-AHN4) of ecosystem structure derived from country-wide airborne laser scanning surveys of the Netherlands
31 LiDAR metrics with a 5 m × 5 m resolution representing cover, 3D shape, vertical variability, horizontal variability and height of vegetation as well as microtopography, derived from country-wide airborne laser scanning, and used for classifying land cover and habitat types in a wetland area (Lauwersmeer) in the northern part of the Netherlands in the province of Groningen (5754 ha), as analysed in Koma et al. (2021).
Publicly accessible repository for the clipped LiDAR point clouds and the shapefiles of the MAMBO demonstration sites
Geographic data
The Paleo Islands and Archipelago Configuration (PIAC) database: Sea level driven paleogeography changes over the late Quaternary (related to archipelago configuration and paleo-area) for 178 islands in 27 archipelagos, as presented in Norder et al. (2018)
Geodiversity data
Polman, E.M.N., Seijmonsbergen, A.C., Versteegh, H. & Kissling, W.D. (2023): Dataset - Global geodiversity components are not equally represented in UNESCO Global Geoparks. University of Amsterdam / Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. Dataset.
Species distribution data
African agamid lizard distributions: Distribution data (GIS shape files) of all agamid lizards in Africa
Extant and extinct frugivores on oceanic islands: Occurrences of extinct and extant frugivorous birds, mammals and reptiles on 74 tropical and subtropical oceanic islands within 20 archipelagos worldwide, as analysed in Heinen et al. (2017)
Species richness of vertebrates (birds, mammals, amphibians) within 585 grid cells (1º × 1º latitude–longitude) across the worlds mountains, as analysed in Antonelli et al. (2018)
Presence-absence data of all palm species in the world at the spatial resolution of botanical countries, as analysed in Lim et al. (2020)
Presence-absence data of extant and extinct mammal species in the world at the spatial resolution of botanical countries, as analysed in Lim et al. (2020)
Fossil data
Fagales fossil database: Fagales fossils as analysed in Xing et al. (2014).
Species trait data
Individual palm trait measurements: We have integrated nearly 140,000 individual trait measurements of palms (e.g. lengths, widths, counts and angles of stems, leaves, fruits and inflorescence parts) from heterogeneous data sources in an interoperable and machine-readable way. The dataset is available from DRYAD.
TRY plant trait database: We have contributed trait data of palms to the TRY plant trait database which is the main plant trait database used by the research community worldwide. TRY now provides unprecedented data coverage under an open access data policy. The TRY database can be accessed here and an overview of the database is described in Kattge et al. (2020).
Fiveteen functional (frugivory-related) plant traits of 234 Annonaceae species as analysed in Onstein et al. (2019).
Frugivory-related palm traits: Data for 1773 palm species describing fruit size (small/large), understory growth form (yes/no), island distribution (yes/no), and realm (New/Old World), as analysed in Onstein et al. (2017) and Onstein et al. (2018).
MammalDIET dataset: A comprehensive global dataset of diet preferences of mammals.
Traits of island frugivores: Data on body size (body mass: g), flying (ability to fly: yes/no), and diet (amount of fruit in the diet: low/medium/high) of extant and extinct frugivorous birds, mammals and reptiles on 74 tropical and subtropical oceanic islands within 20 archipelagos worldwide, as analysed in Heinen et al. (2017).
Rhamnaceae functional traits: Leaf and growth form functional traits and climatic niches of plant species in the family Rhamnaceae, as analysed in Onstein & Linder (2016).
Proteaceae functional traits: Leaf functional traits and climatic niches of plant species in the family Proteaceae, as analysed in Onstein et al. (2016).
Frugivory of bird species worldwide: The appendix Table S1 of Kissling et al. (2009) provides a list of all frugivorous bird species in the world, based on a comprehensive diet database and analysis.
Phylogenetic data
Palm species-level phylogeny: Maximum Clade Credibility (MCC) phylogenetic tree of palms (Arecaceae) as well as the 100 individual phylogenetic trees, as analysed in Onstein et al. (2017) and Onstein et al. (2018).
Rhamnaceae phylogenetic data: Maximum Clade Credibility tree based on sequence data for Rhamnaceae species and outgroup taxa, as analysed in Onstein & Linder (2016) and Onstein et al. (2015).
Proteaceae phylogenetic data: Maximum Clade Credibility tree + alignment for Proteaceae species based on sequences for 343 taxa, as analysed in Onstein et al. (2016).
Phylogenetic trees for Poales, Ericaceae and Fagales: Maximum Clade Credibility trees for Poales, Ericaceae and Fagales, as analysed in Bouchenak-Khelladi et al. (2015).
Species interaction data
Interaction data summarizing the mutualism–antagonism continuum in Neotropical palm–frugivore interactions: Data were obtained by screening articles from a comprehensive literature search on the Web of Science (WoS), and contain information on which palms and animals interact, which parts of fruits are consumed, the interaction outcomes, types of digestive processing, fruit handling ability and seed caching behaviour of animals. Dataset as analysed in Dracxler & Kissling (2021).
Pairwise palm-frugivore interaction records: These data were obtained from screening >2,200 articles and used in Muñoz et al. (2019) to study biogeographic differences in geographic coverage, diversity, composition and functional structure of palm–frugivore interactions between the Neotropics and Afrotropics. The data are available on DRYAD and GloBI.
Plant-frugivore networks Manú Biosphere Reserve: These data were used in Bender et al. (2017) to study seasonal plant-frugivore networks and species traits at two locations in the Manú Biosphere Reserve in the Andes of south-east Peru (‘San Pedro’ located at 1500 m a.s.l. and ‘Wayqecha’ located at 3000 m in upper montane forest).
Plant-frugivore networks from eight sites across the Andes in South America: These data were used in Bender et al. (2018) to study how morphological plant and animal traits determine trait matching between resources (fleshyâfruited plants) and consumers (frugivorous birds) in these networks. The eight networks included two networks from Colombia, two networks from Ecuador, two networks from Peru, one network from Bolivia and one network from Argentina.